the url says it all. it is a website to encourage O levels graduates to take up engineering in poly. when i saw the postcard, i couldnt help and burst out laughing. being in the engineering faculty for 3.5 years, why cant i find the fun part of it yet? looks like i will be a bad ambassador at the engineering booth to clarify worrying concerns of hopeful applicants on open days.
it is a little late to ask myself if engineering is the route that i want to take. do i have regrets? probably. these 3.5 years have been one of the most stressful school days i ever had. i am competing myself against elites, who are smarter than me. the most frustrating part is when my efforts dont pay off and you have course mates who can get what they want easily by whatever methods. it angers me even more. but there is nothing i can do to make myself better except to study harder to work my ass off.
sometimes, i really wish that the line life is fair is true. that would help me greatly in overcoming this personal obstacle. i may not hate my student life as a chemical engineer that much then.
what happens if i didnt choose chemical engineering in the first place? what if i had taken up accountancy instead. after all that was my 2nd choice. probably in another dimension, there is another me. and i would have chosen the alternative and could be living a completely different life. was i happier with my decision or the opposite? this is the bad thing with having too much time at hand. you will start to think about the what if.
to end with a happy note
happy 2nd year! love you =)
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